Saturday, November 10

another day down

Well, I made it another day.  The pain level was way way way higher today, especially after Randi and the kids got home.  I have this crazy thing where I like to help all the time so I did some stuff with them that I probably shouldn't have.  I am really feeling it now!

But it was nice to wake up this morning and not have the whole cloudy headed thing from yesterday.  The pain meds make me a little dizzy, but at least I can remember things.  It is kind of funny, but there are bits and pieces from yesterday that I don't remember.  Things like calling my dad twice, the car ride home from the hospital, picking up my meds on the way home, just things like that.

Anyway, I am still doing better.  Just wanted to let you all know that.

1 comment:

Dad said...

ya... did good!!!