Saturday, July 31

happy anniversary to my lovely wife

Happy 11th Anniversary Randi!!! I love you more than I will ever be able to show you. Thanks so much for your constant help and support through all the trials in my life. I may not know what is in store for me from day to day with work and school and life in general, but I know this. I know that you always have my back and will always be there when I need you. I also know that you are the greatest mom our two kids could have ever asked for. I can't say how much I appreciate the extra time you spend with them for their extra activities that I am tied up for or buried at school. I can just try my hardest and hope that I can do something every day to let you know how much you mean to me. I love you and am still amazed by you, as much as I was that first night at Eskimo Joes!

Sunday, July 11

Vacation Pics

Jonathan and the kids before the ball game started

The kids at the Fort Worth Zoo with the Flamingos!

The kids at the zoo. I had to take this picture because I have one just like it of me and my brother when we were probably only a few years older than the kids at Frontier City in a Wells Fargo stage coach too. Thought it was pretty cool.

Vacation 2010

Well, our vacation is officially over! We had such a good time. We started our vacation out on Sunday, going to Shawnee to go shopping and get Dylan a BIG BOY BOOSTER Seat!!! Yippee, he is no longer in a car seat! He loves it, he is getting to be such a big boy! Monday morning we left out and headed to Fort Worth, TX. Our first stop, the Fort Worth Zoo. It was great. It was hot, but still not too bad. They had plenty of shade trees throughout the zoo to get cover in, and mister's too. We ate lunch with a crocodile. The cafe we ate in had an aquarium on three sides of it, we had a huge crocodile sitting in shallow water looking at us like he would eat us if he could. It was so cool. The kids had it easy, we rented a double stroller because I had a feeling that one of the kids, Dylan, would not walk all the way around the Zoo, well I was right. Neither of them did, so Jonathan and I did a lot of walking and pushing that day. The zoo was cool and we all had a lot of fun. We swam that night in the pool at the hotel, the kids did not know what to think of the pool. It was a lot deeper and colder than our pool at home. But the kids loved it. The second day we went to the Fort Worth Museaum of Science and History and the National Cowgirl Museaum. We were all a little disappointed with this. Jonathan and I had both been to the Science and History Museaum in the past, granted I went 16 yrs ago and Jonathan about 3 yrs ago. But nothing was the same as it was when we went. It was a lot cooler before. The exhibits were not that great. There was one exhibit, The Energy Blast, it was a 4-D attraction that was pretty cool. The kids didn't quiet know what to think of the moving seats and the splashes of water that kept coming out of the seats in front of us. The other thing there that was cool was the Noble Planetarium. We had Big Bird and Elmo show us around the night sky. The third day we stayed around the hotel, went swimming and basically just relaxed to get ready for that night at the Ballpark at Arlington to watch the Texas Rangers take on the Cleveland Indians. We had really good seats, on the third base side, second level up. You could see the field so good and it was a great experience for the kids and Jonathan to get to enjoy a professional baseball game. We got us some Texas Rangers garb and are ready to go back now. The Rangers one 4 to 3 that night. We stayed the until the 9th ining, thought it would be easier to get out then than after the game when everyone else was trying to leave as well. Thursday we made our way home with one last stop at the Rainforest Cafe at the Grapevine Mall. It was really cool. Dylan did not know what to think about it, but after a bit he was okay with all the animals and the shows every 15 minutes. We were glad to be home, but wished that we had brought the sun with us since it seemed to rain back home the whole time we were gone. We lucked out, it did not rain while we were down there except for about 15 minutes. All in all, we had a great vacation and can't wait to start planning for next years vacation.