Monday, August 6

watch for falling debris

As you may have noticed, things are going a bit nuts on the site right now.  One's first thought would be "man, they are having some bad server screw-ups!"  However, that is not the case.  The problem is a web developer runs this site! haha..

On occasion I try to mix things up a bit and make this site more interesting, however, in doing so I tend to mess things up.  So you should be able to access all the neat stuff that was here before, but as you are checking all that stuff out, I am trying to add new stuff to.

So from time to time you might access this site and get "Page Cannot Be Displayed", but don't loose heart, just know that it is me...  playing away!

1 comment:

Sis said...

I like this look little is cool..And I have always like the everyone needs a little crazy sometime..