Well, things are still trucking along here in southern Oklahoma. We had a doctor's appointment for Randi yesterday (Wednesday). The PA scared us to death because she spent about 10 minutes trying pick up the heartbeat of the baby, and couldn't. So needless to say, we were both very scared.
After that, she left the room to "get another pair of ears", and returned to tell us that she was going to have an ultrasound done. So that really didn't help, we were still scared. Well, after all that, we got to see the new baby just a kicking and moving around and moving it's arms and head and everything, so that was awesome!! So then we got to relax.. haha... But everything looks good and they didn't adjust her insulin or anything, so she is doing really well. But like last time (with Kaitlyn), we will be going back about every 2 weeks.
And now for the funny story. So, those of you that know me know that I am COMPLETELY TERRIFIED of snakes. I can't even stand to be around them when they are in a cage or behind glass or anything, just don't like them.
Well, Randi found one hanging from one of the bushes outside our backdoor. So after some "no you do it, no you do it" and so on, we came up with what seemed like a smart idea (since we don't own a shotgun or shovel or anything like that). Randi tossed it in the road, and I tried to run over it with my car! haha...  The bad part was that I kept missing it with the tire so I was going forward, stopping, and backing up and back forward and so on! haha... I think our neighbors thought we had gone nuts. Needless to say, I finally got lined up perfect and blew the thing up with the tire.
So my brother Jake told me today.... Get a hoe! haha.. I think I will be going to the hardware store tomorrow! lol...
I can see this now.. haha... rock on brothr.... hHhHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
the snake story is too good, I can just see the two of you arguing over it and then the little car trying to run it over. I just sat here and laughed and missy read it and cracked up.
Have a great day and thanks for the chuckle.
love all of you
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